A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

(5/15/2020: Fixed controls menu not exiting easily, added Testing map to level select, made Boss03 fight-able on Map03, made QWE alternate buttons to the standard ZXC, made liberation menu spawn in the center of the screen so it never goes off-screen)

A swarm of aliens have invaded the Moon! Join a newly formed team of space cadets sent to rout the lunar menace!

Navigate a grid-based map to plan your attack, and then liberate through bullet-hell combat! Each character has unique skills both in and outside of combat!

Content Includes (and is Limited to):

  •  3 maps to play, with best turn count tracked for each of them.
  • A (mostly) original soundtrack. 
  • Bad art.
  • An incomplete tutorial.
  • That's it. 

Alternatively, just play Mega Man: Battle Network 5. 

Actually, start with the first one, and play that until you start getting lost. Then play 2 and 3 (blue has slightly more content,  but either version works; don't feel bad if you have to use a guide for postgame content). 4 introduces some plot elements of 5, insofar as BN games can have a plot, but you can skip it if it starts to irritate you. Then play 5 (preferably Colonel, since its lead becomes important in 6) and 6 (either version). Then play all the Starforce games, because they're good too. Then play One Step From Eden and any other BN spiritual successors out there. Now that you've spent at least two months indulging in the BN series, you can come back and appreciate all the BN references in STL. 

All, like, ten of them.


STL-1.01-Windows.zip 56 MB
STL-1.01-Mac.tar.gz 55 MB

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